Saturday, August 29, 2009

Jeanne & Dick's wedding 8/16/09

Trish, Colleen and Ken.

Yummy cake and cupcakes.
It was almost painful to eat them because they were so pretty.

Carrie LOVED Emily. Tried to get her to come home to CA with her because "I live next to Disneyland". Emily wasn't buying any of it!! :)

Lovely girl with lovely flowers.

Tim wrote a beautiful song for Jeanne and Dick.

Jeanne & Dick's wedding 8/16/09

Melissa and Carrie having fun!
Carrie is so full of energy and enthusiasm, it is hard not to smile around her!!

Hannah and Olivia helped with the guest sign in.

Dick and Jeanne Leathers! Beautiful couple.
Colleen, maid of honor, and Phillip, ring bearer (well really carrier of birdsnest with rings!).

Mother and son. Jeanne looked gorgeous!!!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Camping Redfish Lake July 2009

We were invited to go camping with our friends, the Bostons, at Redfish Lake.
This would be our VERT FIRST FAMILY camping trip!!
As you can see, the minute we got there, our kids became fish.
We had a wonderful time and can't wait for our next camping adventure.

Our kiddos at Little Redfish Lake.

It doesn't get much cuter than this!! :)

Enjoying God's creation!

Mom: "Emily, just go in the water up to the bottom of your shorts."
Emily: "Okay mom. This is fun." throws sticks over and over into the water
Mom, shaking head: "Apparently her definition of bottom and mine are NOT the same!"

Camping Redfish Lake July 2009

Wading in the water of the little lake.

The boys thought it was fun to throw water from a bucket at each other.

Can't really play catch with water though.


Camping Redfish Lake July 2009


The little girls playing in the sand at the big lake.

Bathing beauties. Glad they are such good friends.

No he doesn't wear the hat to bed.

Camping Redfish Lake July 2009

The boys making their sand cave on the beach at Redfish Lake.

Jordan splitting logs for the campfire. Nice job!!

Marshmallow perfection.

Toasted to perfection!!

Where is Allison?

Camping Redfish Lake July 2009

Precious girl!

Bring on the adventure!!

Hot chocolate with marshmallows every morning. Yumm!!

Waking up and deciding what to do today.

Friends enjoying each other and the beautiful view.

Camping Redfish Lake July 2009

Zachary taught Phillip how to play cribbage. They played A LOT.

Mr. Boston cooking our 18 eggs for breakfast. We were feeding 12 people.

Nothing like a cup of joe in the morning.


For some reason the kids liked to hang out in the tent trailer a lot.
Guess they could only take so much fresh air.

Camping Redfish Lake July 2009

The tent trailer from our private trail to the beach.

Mr. Boston and Emily pondering.

Emily found a bird's eggshell.
However, it didn't survive for long and is now dust in the wind.

Phillip showing off at the fish hatchery.

Somehow throwing sand into the water became a favorite pastime.
Phillip good pretty good at skipping rocks too.

Camping Redfish Lake July 2009

Emily in all her cuteness!

Ken admiring the lake.

Phillip and Zachary enjoyed making ponds with their buckets.

All the kiddos loved being in the water.

One of my new all time favorite photos. It doesn't get much sweeter than this for me!

Camping Redfish Lake July 2009

Pam and Olivia enjoying the campfire and of course, s'mores.

Two friends running on a log.

Who knew Junior birdman went camping??


Sweethearts......tired, but enjoying themselves.